The Catamaran Club is a private sailing club. Facilities are open to its members, members guests and day visitors.
Day visitors who have an interest in sailing or windsurfing are welcome. However, if you intend to visit more frequently you will be required to sign up as a member.
New members with an interest in catamaran sailing are welcome.
Our competitive rates and beautiful facility have kept this non-profit club running successfully for over 30 years!
2022-2023 Fees (Please note the year begins in March 2022 till February 2023
Joining Fee
R1820 once off
Club membership Fees
Members may choose to become "Non-site members". These are members who have access to the club facilities but do not lease a site from TCC. This membership is a family membership and allows for up to 4 (direct) family members to be members of TCC.
Non-site Family membership (4 members & 2 boat parkings) - R6000 p.a.
Non-site Single/Windsurfer membership (1 member & No boat parkings) - R1500 per person p.a.
Non-site Junior (Under 25 years) membership (1 member & No boat parkings) - R920 p.a.
Alternatively members may choose to purchase a site and become "Site members". These members lease a site from TCC. This membership is a family membership and allows for up to 6 (direct) family members to be members of TCC. This membership fee is invoiced in two parts, 1) Membership fee for 6 members, and 2) Site fee for lease of the site
Site Family membership (6 members & 2 boat parkings) - R9535 p.a.
Site Fee - R9535 p.a.
Veteran Membership is available for application by members over 65 years of age who have been in the club for 10 years or more
Non-site Veteran membership (1 member & 2 boat parkings) - R920 p.a.
Site Veteran membership (6 members / 2 boat parkings) - R920 p.a
plus Site Fee - R9 535 p.a
Additional Fees
All members of our club must also belong to Sailing South Africa (SAS). Therefore a SAS membership fee is invoiced once per year.
SAS - Social Family members: R220.00 p.a
Our club contributes towards the BCF Water Fund which ensure the quality of our dam. This fee is invoiced once per year.
BCF Water Fund: R250 per Member per year
Annual membership fees for existing members will be subject to a 10% premium should you request authorisation to pay your fees monthly. Enquire with management.
Membership fees are due at the end of April annually. Late fees attract interest, currently at 1% per month. Please refer to the Constitution should you fail to pay your fees on time or if you have not made payment arrangements.
© 2022 The Catamaran Club ( TCC )